I quickly sand off the excess epoxy from the joint. I will re-varnish this spot. It will be covered by reflective tape later.

I going to make up a plug for the mast base. Because I reinforced the exterior of the mast with epoxy & cloth, I do not need as long a reinforcing plug on the inside. I stuff more aluminum foil into the mast. I leave just enough room for the plug stem. I use a plug of aluminum foil to make a “dam” to keep the epoxy from flowing down the mast into the “crumpled for radar reflection” aluminum foil.

I start with an oak hand shovel handle I bought from Princess Auto.

It is almost an exact fit. I sand off the finish so the epoxy will soak into the wood. I cut off the rounded top and the excess on the bottom.

I make up an oak disk, just over 2½” in diameter with a 1″ hole in the centre. I use my Shopsmith disk sander to round down the shaft of the handle. (I then sand the bottom of the mast to bare wood) The disk will fit against the bottom of the mast.

I mix up the epoxy…Two hundred stirs.

After I have coated all the bare wood, I mix wood dust with the epoxy and get ready to glue it all together
I angle the mast so the base is up and pour the thickened epoxy into it. The Aluminum foil “dam” keeps the epoxy from going into the “crumpled for radar reflection” Aluminum foil while I get the plug glued in.
I then wrap the joint with the packing tape to keep the epoxy from leaking out. I stand the mast upright in the garage with the heat lamp on it.

Now all of the epoxy will flow down around the plug for a good glue-up.

I now turn to the other (Masthead) end.

I give the Masthead end a light sanding with the 350 wet/dry sandpaper and touch up the varnish.

Final stats:
The mast is 17″1″ long and 16′ 10¼” to the centre of the sheave. It is 2½” in diameter at the base, tapering to 2¼” at the masthead. There is 1½ pounds of (radar reflective!!) aluminum foil in the mast. The mast weight is (using my luggage scale) 14lbs.

Three photos of the finished mast in Gwragedd Annwn:

When the rains stop, I will rig Gwragedd Annwn with her new lugsail. I believe that I will have to move her mast-step and the mast partner to balance her for sailing…a little trial and error is in my future.

Good rowing to you,